
Files are the main type of template resource.

Here is service’s API overview:

  • PUT: upload template file from client to server.
  • GET: retrieve raw template content.
  • POST: render single template file against context.
  • other HTTP verbs aren’t implemented yet.


In the examples below, we’ll consider that a diecutter service is running at http://localhost:8106.


Put your template to the service:

$ echo "Hello {{ name }}" | curl -X PUT -F "file=@-" http://localhost:8106/hello.txt
{"diecutter": "Ok"}


Sometimes, you don’t want users to be able to PUT files on your server. That’s why diecutter service can be configured as “read only”. In that case, it is up to you to manage files that live in diecutter’s template directory (which is just a directory in the filesystem).

As an example, diecutter’s online demo is readonly, and templates are synchronized with source code on project’s repository.


We can get the raw template we just created via PUT:

$ curl http://localhost:8106/hello.txt
Hello {{ name }}


And we can render the template against some variables:

$ curl -X POST -d name=world http://localhost:8106/hello.txt
Hello world